With their American friends (via NASA) getting most of the glory for exploring the cosmos, it looks as if our European brethren are starting to gain the courage to explore space for themselves.
(New Scientist Space) Digging on Mars and drilling on the Moon could become the main aims of Europe's space effort. These were the enticing prospects discussed at a meeting this week in Edinburgh, Scotland, about the European Space Agency's Aurora exploration programme. [...]
Sentiment is shifting in favour of human spaceflight, as some scientific goals might be all but impossible without people.
"Someone at the meeting pointed out that what a rover can survey in a year, a geologist could do in 20 seconds," says space scientist John Zarnecki of the Open University in Milton Keynes, UK. "A 20-second mission to the Moon might not be cost effective, but if you can ask enough 20-second questions, it might be worth it."
Although England is mulling about whether or not to send up humans to the stars, it looks like the rest of Europe is for the challenge. Despite the fact that America is leading the way towards the stars, the United States can not do this alone.
Space is for everyone and requires a global effort in order to not only be successful, but also peaceful. Europe's involvement is critical, as it will give more voices a chance to decide the future fate of the human species.
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