Once thought to harbor a dense jungle underneath its "steamy atmosphere," Venus is now known to be an inhospitable world due to its crushing atmosphere and deadly climate.
Even though living upon the planet may be impossible (if not impractical), Venus may have a significant purpose for future space travelers beyond using the barren world as a convenient garbage dump.
Orbiting the sun at approximately 108 million kilometers, a space station orbiting Venus would have the opportunity to help resupply traveling shuttles, rocket ships, etc., braving the vaccum of space.
This would help not only cut down the cost of traveling to Mercury, but time as well (since spacecraft could always use the planet as a sling shot towards Mercury or Earth).
Since these future space stations would probably serve as interplanetary rest stops, they would probably have to be built with artificial gravity in mind, lest colonists suffer the side effects of micro gravity.
While Venus will unlikely boast a large population when compared to Mars, Ganymede and Callisto, its economy may rival that of its more "fertile" siblings orbiting the Sun.
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