(Image Credit: JPL / NASA)
Last week Will Gater hosted the Carnival of Space, which features articles ranging from black holes to answering kids questions on what is the biggest star in the universe.
Some interesting posts that caught my eye included:
- Brian Wang of Next Big Future highlights how carbon nanotubes could be used to turn radiation into electricity (which would benefit off world colonies living in radioactive environments).
- Ken Murphy of Out of the Cradle gives an in depth look at growing lunar gardens. Be sure to also visit his followup article as well, which digs a little deeper into the subject (note: no pun intended).
- Ian O'Neill from AstroEngine discusses whether or not the first Mars settlement will have internet access. My guess is yes, especially if Google gets involved. ;-)
The upcoming Carnival of Space is approaching the big "5-0," so if there are any lurkers out there desiring to express their point of view regarding the cosmos, you might want to consider joining the next Carnival of Space.
Details on how to enter can be seen over here.
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You can either visit the stars or watch them from afar.
But if you choose the former, you'll definitely get a better view.
~Darnell Clayton, 2007
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