For those of you who daily use the search engine giant, Google has decided to join in the "festivities" by temporarily redesigning their logo in order to honor the space program.
On July 29th, 1958, NASA came into being in a direct response to the USSR's launch of Sputnik. Eleven years later NASA was able to land a man on the Moon, which helped spark our young species quest to ultimately colonize our solar system (and beyond).
While the agency has had its ups and downs, its successes and failures, one thing still holds true regarding NASA--no one has come even close to achieving what this agency has (as far as sending humans and robots to scour our solar system goes).
So happy birthday NASA! Here's to 50 more years of success, and hopefully you will be celebrating your 100th birthday on another world.
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But if you choose the former, you'll definitely get a better view.
~Darnell Clayton, 2007
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