Well, after spending a few days camping in the woods, and last week helping out family in the boonies (boonies=no wireless internet connection--not even through a phone) its good to be back in civilization!
Since I was unable to update a post regarding the Carnival of Space two weeks ago, I'll include it within this post, along with last weeks Carnival.
Fraser from Universe Today hosted the 58th Carnival of Space, which highlighted posts ranging from problems with the Phoenix lander to Sun probes, to even more confusion regarding Pluto's status (note: it looks like Plutonian citizens are winning).
Interesting posts included:
- Brian Wang of Next Big Future lists the upcoming top ten technologies that could help humanity become a space faring species.
- Clark Lindsey from Space Transport News reports on the 2009 X-Prize Lunar Lander Competition (which will be webcasted online for the public to see over at XPrize.org).
- Bruce Irving on Music of the Spheres discusses how having space stations orbit between Earth and Mars in regular cycles could make it easier reaching the red planet (as well as returning home).
- Nancy Atkinson (who writes for Universe Today) discusses NASA's latest spacesuit design, which seems to be not only practical, but fashionable as well.
Be sure to read the rest of the entries from the 58th Carnival of Space, (if you have not that is) and without further ado here is last weeks Carnival of Space!
The 59th Carnival of Space was hosted by Maria Brumm upon the Green Gabbro.
Articles ranged from the Martian rovers, to Saturn's moon Titan, not to mention a few more "super-Earths" have been discovered around another star.
A few interesting articles readers might enjoy include:
- Ken Murphy (from Out of the Cradle) publishes 25 reasons for conquering the Moon, which range from the physical to the spiritual (and back again).
- Missy's Window highlights using lunar concrete for building telescopes on the Moon (note: NASA would probably consider using it to construct other things as well).
- Irene Klotz on Discovery News highlights how Europe's ATV is being sought out because of all the extra space (which may be a hint that our space station is too small--something Bigelow may be able to solve).
Thanks for reading, and be sure to visit the rest of the articles from last weeks Carnival.
While reading these articles from scientists, space enthusiasts and cynics is fun, it would be even better to submit your own post regarding your view of the Universe.
For those interested in joining the upcoming Carnival of Space, you can find details about joining over here.
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You can either visit the stars or watch them from afar.
But if you choose the former, you'll definitely get a better view.
~Darnell Clayton, 2007
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