Although there are many companies out there attempting to return humanity towards the heavens that surround us, it seems as if one company called SpaceDev, Inc. is attempting to not only get us there, but also enable us to browse the
(Space Fellowship) SpaceDev (OTCBB: SPDV) announced today that it has been awarded a contract to develop a prototype lunar lander vehicle for the International Lunar Observatory Association (ILOA). Since 2003, SpaceDev has performed four design and feasibility studies addressing various aspects of the ILO. The ILO will be a spacecraft to conduct optical and radio astronomy from the surface of the Moon, and potentially engage in commercial activities involving not only astronomy, but also photography, communications, and internet hosting. The prototype will achieve smooth landings via precision-controlled throttling of its hybrid rocket motors.
(Note: Emphasis is of the editor)
While some may wonder why a company would attempt to enable internet browsing upon the lunar surface, one only has to look at how the world wide web has changed out planet in order to understand.
The internet has fostered a communication system unparalleled within our human history. By expanding that power off world scientists, engineers, and even future lunar businesses would be able to quickly acquire the necessary information in order to run their laboratories, warehouse's and offices.
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Here's a pic (artist rendtion) of the vehicle
here's the link again that you can click on...